Lawang Sewu

Lawang sewu is one of the historic buildings in Semarang. Become one of the attractive tourist attraction in Semarang. The history of the founding of Lawang sewu is long enough, first built in 1903 the building was used as headquartes of the"Nederlandsch Indische Maatschapij" (tarin) at the time of the ruling, the Netherlands has been used as a Dungeon at a time when Japan ruled as well as goverment offices after Indonesia's independence. Lawang sewu in Indonesia language means"Seribu Pintu". Semarang residents refer to it as such because the building has large window and doors resemble doors that add up to very much. The building was designed by architect c. Citroen from Netherlands Firm J.F. Klinkhamer and B.J. Quendag in 1903 and was completed in 1907. The building was building was originally used for Office Nederlands-Indische Spoorweeg Maatschappij or NIS, Netherlands railroad company.

The front of this historic building decorated by twin towers and gothic model is divided into two acres, streching to the back of the impressive sturdy, big and beautiful. Lawang sewu architecture art decorate is characterized by growing in the exclusive 1850-1940 on the European continent.
The building overlooks the Park Wilhelmina, who is now better known as Young Monument complex. In front of the first passing Lawang sewu tram rails Semarang, Department of Fur. Aerial photographs taken in 1927 sstill shows this lines.

After Japan took control of the Goverment of Indonesia in the Netherlands in 1942, the basement of the building which was formely the sewer water in "magic"into a Dungeon and sewer water. This building is also a witness of the fierce battle between the people of Indonesia with the famous army of Japan as the five as-day battle in Semarang (14 October - 19 October 1945). To commemorate this historic event, a few years later the Goverment build a stele in the courtyard Garden Wilhemina now known as Monument Muida.
The ancient buildings and the majestic two story after independence as Indonesia Railway Bureau Office (DKARI) or the train now PT. Indonesia. In addition once used as the office the military region command infrastructure and regional offices Department of transportation Central Java.

Given  the historical value of Lawang sewu have important, then the Goverment of the city of Semarang with SK mayors of 650/50/1992 , embodying Lawang sewu as one of 102 old buildings of historic in Semarang city that deserves to be protected. Curently Lawang sewu is in the stage of renovations to repair parts of the buildings that are already damaged by starting with age.

Its location in the middle of the town makes it easy to visit in Lawang sewu, you can use private vehicles to the Simpang lima, Lawang sewu is very close to this area. From other parts of the city can visit this place by using public transport from the station enough to pay IDR 40.000 to take Young monument route.

Opening hours
Monday - Friday : 06.00 - 18.00

The cost of the entrance ticket
Admission IDR 10.000 to enter Lawang sewu and IDR 30.000 to go into the basement.


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